Composer & Publisher Databases
The Band Association of NSW is pleased to establish Composers & Publishers Databases. It is for all composers and publishers writing for brass and concert bands across Australia. This service is being provided free of charge by the BANSW.
BANSW intends to do as much as we can to encourage the performance of new Australian works. Accordingly, we have created this free register for all Australian Composers and Publishers to join.
This database will then provide bands with the ability to locate composers and publishers, search their music catalogues to make purchases and contact composers for new commissions.
Composer Exposure
It also provides an opportunity for composers to have exposure to the entire banding movement. State Associations can use these databases to consider compositions such as Test Music for Bands and Solo Championships. We also contact composers directly for information about newly released music. Further, any exciting articles we can publish in our bi-monthly publication, “The Music Stand”, and via our BANSW Facebook page.
Currently, we are not aware of any such database. We see this as becoming an essential tool linking the most critical people creating and publishing wonderful new and exciting music with the bands who will be rehearsing, enjoying and performing their creations.
Would you please share this page with your professional networks and encourage brass and concert band composers and publishers to register?
For those looking to select music from a more diverse range of composers, we recommend heading to the ColourFULL Music website. Further, we highly recommend Jodie Blackshaw’s Female Band Composers Database.
To add your details to the database, please select the appropriate form below to complete.
For Composers Names, please type your Family Name first, e.g., HOLST, Gustav.
If you are a self-publishing composer, please only complete the Composer form.
If you publish other people’s works and your own, please complete the Publisher details for your publishing company well as your composer details.
To Add Composer Details click here
To Add Publisher Details click here
If your contact details are listed incorrectly or need updating, please contact the BANSW Secretary or Registrar.