Conditions of Entry
All Perpetual Trophies
Perpetual trophy holders from the previous year should return their trophy (engraved and in good condition) to the Band Association no later than 6 weeks before the contest.
No photography or video recording of performers during a performance. An official photographer may be at the venue. Photos can only be taken once a performer has finished or at the time of results.
The Championships proceed according to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Band Association of NSW Inc., particularly By-Law 22, and the rules and conditions set out below or made by the Contest Committee during the Championships. You can view the Rules and By-Laws.
The Championships will be under the control of the appointed Contest Supervisor. A Room Supervisor will be appointed to each room. They will be responsible for ensuring observation of the contest rules.
We will conduct a draw for each event before the contest and print this in the contest program. The draw for Champion of Champions events will be completed after all related individual solo events to confirm entrant numbers.
If the Contest Supervisor or Contest Administrator is unavailable, a Room Supervisor may permit a player to play out of order. The player will retain the draw number initially allocated in the program.
Entrants must be registered members of either the Band Association of NSW Inc, an Australian State Association, or a National Association where an entrant is a resident outside Australia.
If an entrant turns 15 or 19 on the weekend of the contest, they will need to go up a grade. An Under 15 player may enter an Under 15 and/or Under 19 solo event. An Under 15 player may enter an Open solo event only if they have previously won a State Championship solo event. An Under 19 player may enter an Under 19 and/or Open solo event.
The qualifying age for Veteran’s Solo is 55.
It is a condition of entry that a player must wear their registered band’s uniform. Disqualification of a player can occur if they are not wearing the correct uniform.
Trophy Events – Music Selection Guidelines
Slow Melody – A purely melodic composition. No variations or cadenzas, or florid sections, e.g. continual bars of semiquavers. Tempo generally will not exceed 80 crotchets per minute.
Jazz – Any solo from a specialist “Jazz Genre” or a “Jazz Standard” solos book inviting the soloist to approach the notated solos with freedom relative to the style/genre. Melodic embellishments and the inclusion of an improvised solo are encouraged.
Music selected should be consistent with the expected standards for own choice music.
Percussion Events
Percussionists may enter single or multiple events within each age classification. Entry in two or more different age classifications will be considered as separate entries for each age class.
Piano Accompaniment is allowed for all Percussion events in line with other individual instrument events. Please note no backing music or singing is allowed as accompaniment or part of the performance for percussion events.
The percussion adjudicator is screened unless the adjudicator requests explicitly to be unscreened. We will notify entrants if this occurs.
We provided an official accompanist for each room. They are not permitted to move from one room to another, nor are they allowed to charge an entrant a fee to accompany them at the contest. Accompanists will charge a rehearsal fee of which will be confirmed by the accompanist at the time of booking. BANSW takes no responsibility for setting rehearsal fees.
Soloists may use their own accompanist at their own cost. However, if that accompanist is unavailable when the soloist is called on to perform, they must use the official accompanist.
Copies of music for accompanists must be bound, legible and in good condition. Using loose sheet music will not be accepted. If you would like your accompanist music back, please collect it from the accompanist after your performance.
Draw for Playing Order
We will conduct a draw for each event before the contest and print this in the contest program. The draw for Champion of Champions events will be completed after all related individual solo events to confirm entrant numbers.
If the Contest Supervisor or Contest Administrator is unavailable, a Room Supervisor may permit a player to play out of order. The player will retain the draw number initially allocated in the program.
Legal Notice
It is a condition of entry into the contest venue that the Band Association of NSW Inc. and members of the Management Committee, volunteers and any official will not be legally liable for:
- Any loss, damage, theft of any instrument or other valuables of any person while attending the Championships.
- Any assault, illness, injury, death or other circumstance arising during travel by a person to, from, or while attending the Championships.
- The Management Committee reserves the right to refuse admission to any person or persons to the contest venue facilities. An official may request a person to leave a performance room or the contest venue if their behaviour is considered inappropriate.
- In improper behaviour, illness, injury or death, the Management Committee reserves the right to call NSW Police and or Ambulance to the venue.
- Any official, volunteer or another person who witnesses, or becomes aware of, any act of bullying, the sexual or physical assault must report the occurrence to the Contest Supervisor, who will decide appropriate action.
- Children under 16 years of age, unaccompanied by a parent or family member, must be accompanied by a person holding an approved WWCC and can provide the details for review upon request.